April 25, 2013

Picture of the day!...Execution in Yemen...Viewer Discretion is advised [PICTURES]

This is what Yemen Execution looks like.

The Story...
22 year old Yehya Hussein al-Raghwah, a barber in was found guilty of raping and then murdering an 11 year old boy Hamdi Abdullah Al-Kabas who came to his barber shop for a haircut for Eid – the Muslim festival in Sanaa, the capital of Yemen. Yehya Hussein al-Raghwah confessed to rape and murder of an 11 year old boy whom he hacked into pieces.

HBC: Plenty paedophiles dey for this world OoOoo. Well the execution took place on July 6, 2009.


  1. Such execution has been going on in 9ja in recent times. We aint surprise.
    But wish our leaders wont be an exception especially any corrupt office holder.

  2. He deserve to die! Is an exemple to oders! Imagine raping a male child and killing...he is a desgrece to the society.


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