April 10, 2013

Did You Know That:

-1- The light you see from the North star (pole star) was emitted in the year 1583.

-2- During the temperance movement of the 1890s, Marijuana was commonly recomended as a substitute for alcohol. The reason for this was that use of marijuana did not lead to domestic violence while alcohol abuse did.

-3- There is a lake in russia that is so radioactive it can kill you within one hour if you stand near it.

-4- Jews (0.2% of the world population) have won 22% of the Nobel Prizes to date.

-5- You can stop mosquito bites form itching by running the bite under hot water.

-6- A blind, Bald and near deaf man (Edwin Robinson) was struck by lightning and all the three condtions were fixed.

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