April 16, 2013

#AmeboTinz: Jamie Foxx angers Christians by calling President Obama “our lord and saviour”.

 On Sunday night when Jamie Foxx came on the stage at the Soul Train Music Awards, the audience knew they were in for some laughs and giggles but this time the comedian and Academy Award winning actor got both some laughs and some angry frowning faces. Some Christians did not think it was funny when the actor referred to President Obama as “our lord and savior”.
Foxx uttered the seemingly harmless words as  joke but he seems to have offended some Christians who believe that an elected official should not be likened to “our lord and savior”.
The BET network must not have had any problems with Foxx’s comments because they used them in a preview of the Soul Train Music Awards show. Foxx said, about President Obama,
“It’s like church over here. It’s like church in here. First of all, give an honor to God and our lord and savior Barack Obama.”
 Foxx is not the first to imply that Black people seem to perceive President Obama as their “savior”. President Obama has been referred to as “the messiah” and “the second coming of Jesus” by many so one might be confused as to why Jammie Foxx is facing such a negative backlash.

HBC: Just heard someone say "He must be one of them Freemasions or illuminate".lol.

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