April 5, 2013

Did U Know That...

1) The Beatles literally stopped touring because their music could not be amplified loud enough to compete with the screaming crowd noise, even with custom-built amplifiers.

2) In 1990 unemployed French nuclear physicist, AndrĂ© “mad scientist” Gardes, attempted a one-man invation of a small island south of Britain named Sark and was arrested while reloading his gun on a bench by the island's volunteer constable. hahahahaha, Best single handed invastion attempt ever...Check Here
The small and peaceful island of Sark

3) Because of the crystal-clear water, Flathead Lake in Montana seems shallow, but in reality is 370 feet in depth.

 4)  Aerogel, AKA "frozen smoke", is the world's lowest density solid, clocking in at 96% air. If you hold a small piece in your hand, it's practically impossible to either see or feel, but if you poke it, it's like Styrofoam. It supports up to 4,000 times its own weight and can withstand a direct blast from two pounds of dynamite. It's also the best insulator in existence.

5) A priest on the titanic refused a place on a life boat twice, and stayed behind to hear confessions and give absolution to people left on the ship...RIP Padre...very few men like you nowadays.
Thomas Roussel Davids Byles

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