April 29, 2014

Did You Know That...(Some random facts/events that will blow your mind).

1. Full name of the famous Barbie doll is Barbara Millicent Roberts
2. The heart of a blue whale is so huge that people can easily navigate through the arteries.
3. Honey never spoils.

4. Our body is 10 times more bacteria than cells
5. Hippos have pink milk.

6. Russia covers an area larger than the entire surface of Pluto.
7. The nursery rhyme never mentioned that Humpty Dumpty is an egg.
8. Strawberry is not a berry, unlike the avocado, banana and watermelon.
9. Pluto has never made ​​a revolution around the Sun, since it was discovered by scientists.

10. There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on every beach of our planet.

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