April 1, 2013

Breaking News: University Professor Murdered In Maiduguri.

Late Murtala Mohammed

A popular Mass Communication professor of the University of Maiduguri, Murtala Mohammed, has been killed by yet-to-be identified gunmen in Maiduguri today.
Mr. Mohammed who once served as the chief of staff to late Nigerian first lady, Stella Obasanjo was killed in front of his house in the troubled city of Mauduguri.
The motive for his killing remains unknown. Murtala had recently returned to Maiduguri to resume classes at the University of Maiduguri.
Before his death, Mr. Murtala was living in Jigawa with his wife and two kids.
Murtala was 56 years old.

Source: 247Nigerianewsupdate

HBC: Ooh God. This is sooo painful. May the all Powerful God bring an end to this mayhem.

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